About counselling

Reflexity Counselling

If you’re thinking about counselling, please read on to find out about how I work and whether it could work for you…

It’s not often in life that we’re offered time to really reflect; perhaps when you’re with friends they want to fix your problems or offer advice quickly. But sometimes the quick fix isn’t helpful. Spending an hour focused on you can help you get to the heart of the issue, to the root of the pain, and this is when real work can be done.

How often are we offered a one-size-fits all? My belief is that every single person is unique and what I offer is a flexible approach. That is, I combine (integrate) different therapeutic models. I’ll listen to your story and we’ll work collaboratively to work our way through the challenges.

How often have you felt like an outsider? Struggling to make yourself heard? I have a passion for inclusivity. As a neurodivergent individual, I know what it’s like to feel excluded so I do what I can to ensure people from all walks of life are welcome at Reflexity Counselling. If you have an concerns about accessibility or have any adjustment requirements, please contact me.

How might counselling help?

You may have found your way here because you’re feeling overwhelmed, uneasy or confused. Perhaps you have a specific mental health concern or certain issue you like to resolve. Nothing is too big or too small for the counselling room.

2 people in counselling, about counselling

Within counselling, we’ll develop a relationship where we can discuss any issue that’s concerning you—it literally is a conversation. Building up trust can mean we’re able to touch on areas of insecurity, pain and shame.

If you’d like to understand more about how counselling works, please take a look at my blog post: Understanding how counselling works.

To understand how integrative counselling works, please take a look at my blog post here: What is integrative counselling?

What next?

If you think I could be the counsellor for you, we can have an initial consultation where we’ll discuss what you’d like to get out of counselling, whether what I offer matches up to this and if we’d be a good fit. Please contact me using this form.