A shared mind: Why working with a neurodivergent counsellor matters

female sitting on bed on laptop with notebook with headphones on

Neurodivergent individuals, such as those with autism, ADHD, or other conditions, often face unique challenges and experiences that can be better understood and addressed by a counsellor who has a shared understanding. While no 2 experiences are the same, here are some reasons counselling from a neurodivergent counsellor may be advantageous:

Shared understanding

A neurodivergent counsellor is likely to have a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by a neurodivergent client. They can relate to the client’s experiences. While empathy can be provided by someone who doesn’t have a shared understanding a deeper therapeutic bond can be built by someone who has a shared experience.

Reduced stigma

Neurodivergent clients are highly likely to have encountered stigma, discrimination, or misconceptions. We all carry unconscious biases, assuming stereotypes about certain groups and treating them in line with these biases. Working with a neurodivergent counsellor can reduce the likelihood of encountering such biases and create a more accepting and non-judgmental therapeutic environment.

Tailored strategies

Look out for neurodivergent counsellors who have specific training and expertise in working with neurodivergent individuals. They can develop counselling strategies and interventions that are tailored to the client’s unique needs and preferences.

Improved communication

Neurodivergent individuals may have different communication styles and preferences hat have previously not been catered for. Due to their personal experience and professional training a neurodivergent counsellor can adapt their communication to align with the client’s preferences, making the counselling process more effective and comfortable.

Specialised knowledge

Neurodivergent counsellors often have specialized knowledge about neurodiversity, including the latest research and best practices in supporting neurodivergent clients. This expertise can lead to more effective and informed counselling sessions.

Building self-acceptance

Those who share the neurodivergent identity can help the client build self-acceptance and self-esteem. It can be empowering to work with someone who has overcome similar challenges and embraced their neurodiversity.

Role modelling

Neurodivergent counsellors can serve as positive role models for their clients. Role modelling within the counselling relationship is part of the process. Seeing someone with a similar neurodivergent identity bring hope and motivation in clients.

Advocacy and support

Challenges of neurodivergent life include needing to advocate for accommodations and support all sorts of areas, for example, education, employment, and social relationships. A counsellor with experience in advocacy can guide and support in navigating these systems where appropriate.

Reducing sensory overload

Neurodivergent counsellors are more mindful of sensory sensitivities and sensory processing differences. They can create a counselling environment that minimizes sensory overload, ensuring a more comfortable and effective therapeutic experience.

Equally, some neurodivergent clients need additional stimuli to aid concentration. While some counsellors may see self stimulatory behaviour as avoidant behaviour, neurodivergent counsellors have an awareness that stimming can be advantageous for exploration of feelings, for example.

Community connections

Neurodivergent counsellors may have connections to neurodivergent communities and resources, which can be valuable for clients seeking peer support and additional resources outside of counselling.

It’s important to note that while a neurodivergent counsellor can offer many advantages, the most important factor in counselling is the quality of the therapeutic relationship. Clients should choose a counsellor with whom they feel comfortable, understood, and respected, regardless of their neurodivergent status. The decision to work with a neurodivergent counsellor should ultimately align with the client’s preferences and needs.

If you would like to discuss working with a neurodivergent counsellor, please contact me here.

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